

Gloves can prevent you from leaving fingerprints and DNA on surfaces you touch, and can hide your hand characteristics.

Fingerprints and DNA

To avoid leaving fingerprints and DNA on surfaces you touch, use the right kind of gloves:

And take appropriate precautions:

You can wear multiple pairs of gloves on top of each other. For example, wearing work gloves on top of thick latex or rubber gloves gives you both the sturdiness of the work gloves and the non-permeability of the thick latex or rubber gloves.

If you wear gloves to avoid leaving DNA on surfaces you touch, you will also want to avoid leaving DNA in other ways (e.g., skin flakes or hair falling off your body). For more information, see the related mitigation DNA minimization protocols.

Hand characteristics

To hide your hand characteristics such as skin color or tattoos, wear gloves that fully cover your skin. See the related mitigation Anonymous dress.

Additional considerations

When using gloves, you should be aware that:

For all these reasons, if you need to use gloves during an action, you should use new gloves dedicated to the action and dispose of them afterward.

See also

Techniques addressed by this mitigation


You can wear gloves to avoid leaving DNA on surfaces you touch.


You can wear gloves to avoid leaving fingerprints on surfaces you touch.



To do this, pinch the inside of the left glove with your right hand and put your left hand into it (if you're right-handed, otherwise reverse), then pinch the outside of the right glove with your left gloved hand and put your right hand into it.